Duration: 120 months

Leader: IRD

Key partners: MNHN, Nantes University, CNRS, INRAE, IRIS, Comoros University, Mayotte University, Eduardo Mondlane University, Reunion Island University, Toliara University

BRIDGES- CO-CONSTRUCTION‘s objectives are to enhance our understanding of the stakeholders involved in maritime governance and analyse tensions and divergences in coastal and marine spatial planning. This includes an analysis of local stakeholders’ practices, strategies and projects. The idea is to understand stakeholders’ interactions and generate spaces for dialogue regarding the management of marine protected areas. Analyses of power relations combined with various types of knowledge mobilization is intended to support the definition of alternative trajectories for the socio-ecosystems concerned in terms of sustainability and equity criteria.

This targeted project aims to find responses to the following scientific questions:

  • How can we understand the dynamics of maritime management from the standpoint of stakeholder practices and maritime environment, so as to co-construct oceanic futures?
  • How do power relations influence public action and maritime planning mechanisms, and how can socio-environmental justice guide decisions?
  • What participatory mechanisms are best suited to the objectives of shared governance? What are their effects?

BRIDGES-CO-CONSTRUCTION’s priorities are to:

BRIDGES-CO-CONSTRUCTION bases its approach on transdisciplinarity and the adaptation of participatory mechanisms to local and regional contexts. It takes power relationships and controversies into account to transform socio-ecosystems in a more effective, fair and sustainable way.

The project’s work is based on :

As a complement to these initiatives, TP5 will be based on fieldwork with partners and will apply qualitative, quantitative and multi-scalar approaches. This is intended to enable researchers to develop a detailed framework for the analysis of stakeholders including their practices and strategies and provide socio-environmental justice indicators to help jointly produce sustainable trajectories for marine socio-ecosystems.